Shawna Citron

Psycho-Educational Consultant

Providing Psycho-Educational Assessments in both the public and private school sector since 1989

Are you concerned about how your child is functioning academically?

Do you think that there could be an underlying learning problem that may be interfering with your child’s progress?

Are you uncertain as to the best means of providing help for your child?

Would your son or daughter benefit from accommodations (e.g., more time on tests, the use of a computer for tests and exams etc.)?

Is your child exhibiting any of the following types of behavior?

  • A lack of motivation
  • Difficulty maintaining focus
  • An inability to sit still
  • Problems completing work independently
  • Difficulty understanding what is expected of him/her
  • Poor organizational skills
  • Weak study skills
  • Difficulty maintaining material
  • A tendency to give up easily
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Behavioral issues in the classroom
  • Boredom at school
  • Unchallenged by classroom curriculum

A Psycho-Educational Assessment can help identify the causes for these difficulties and provide you with an action plan to address these areas of concern.

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The Psycho-Educational Assessment is performed in a comfortable, non-threatening environment. The welfare of the child is always the first priority.

The assessment includes a feedback session with parents, students, and school personnel (if so desired); an involved and detailed report outlining results; a diagnosis (if necessary); and an array of specific recommendations. All of this is provided in a professional and expedient fashion.

The cost is reasonable and most insurance policies cover a large portion of the fee.

About Shawna

Shawna Citron has been providing Psycho-Educational Assessments for twenty-five years, with experience in a broad range of ages for students from diverse backgrounds.

Shawna uses all of the up-to-date tests available including cognitive testing (IQ); memory testing; an evaluation of various information processing skills; and a full battery of academic tests (i.e., spelling, reading, comprehension, writing, numerical operation, and mathematical reasoning, etc.).

A social-emotional component can also be added to gauge a variety of areas including: how the child feels about themselves; their academic functioning and their social standing.

Depending on the presenting concern, a preliminary screening of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be completed. Giftedness can also be diagnosed.

References & Testimonials

From the Parents

"Hi Shawna.  We met with Elaine Danson today and got a lot of good info for Ezra.  I know we're super early on all this but we want to make sure we have everything in order and get the best for Ezra for high school.

We are all so grateful to have met you. I feel like a cloud has lifted from over Ezra's head since he met with you. I hope you hear daily how irreplaceable you are!"

– Ilana

From the School Board

"I have to say that I have seen many reports, but I do value yours. The info is pertinent, user-friendly and applicable for the classroom. You’re very good at what you do!"

– Coordinator of the Centre for Diverse Learning, Associated Hebrew Schools

"Shawna demonstrates excellent ability on her assessments of students for the Toronto District School Board as well as providing feedback to parents and the school team in an articulate, thoughtful and considerate manner."

– Special Education Coordinator, Toronto District School Board

"This year our school has had the privilege of working with a true professional, Shawna Citron, as our school psycho-educational consultant. The welfare of the student was first and foremost. During her parent meetings she was able to explain the lengthy assessment results so that they understood what was done, the results, the future, and answered any questions that arose. They left feeling informed and knew they were part of the school partnership. As a member of the school team, she was supportive of staff and helped to provide information and strategies to them in dealing with the students’ needs."

– Principal, Toronto District School Board

"Mrs. Citron was always caring in her assessment of the children. Ensuring that the process was a positive one for the students was of the utmost importance to her. The children genuinely enjoyed their time with Mrs. Citron and walked away from the experience feeling good about themselves. Mrs. Citron was able to produce a thorough report and completed it in an expedient fashion. Parents appreciated her professional manner and felt that the process was an informative and worthwhile one."

– Principal, USDS


Please call Shawna Citron for further information. References can be provided upon request.

Phone: 416.707.4219


Office: 2145 Avenue Road Toronto, ON